[WEEKLY BLOG] Second phase of Movement Control Order (MCO). DONE!!!

Aloha !!! A big applause to each and everyone of us who had made it through the second phase of this MCO. As everyone already known this is gonna be a long "war" for us to fight this pandemic. It's not easy, but I believe we can make it by doing our part, that's "Staying Home". 

Anyway, this is a quick recap from me, some of the things I had done on particular days during second phase of MCO.

2. 4. 20 (Day 2 of  second phase of MCO) : It's been a real tough month for each and everyone of us, especially for those who couldn't go out to work (Which means zero income during this entire Movement Control Order period). But luckily the government has this fund aid program called "Bantuan Prihatin Nasional" in order to help the people in the country to temporary overcome their hardship. All we need to do is to go online and apply it, and if you are eligible to receive the fund aid, you will receive a SMS telling you that your application has been approved.

3. 4. 20 (Day 3 of  second phase of MCO) : And soon after I applied the "Bantuan Prihatin Nasional", the next day I received a SMS saying that I'm eligible to receive it. Phew!! Thank God!!

One of the best moment during this entire Movement Control Order is I get to spend most of my time babysitting my a month old nephew - Baby Hayden. Isn't he such a cute little munchkin? I'm enjoying every moment spent with him even though there's a day where I hurt my back from playing too much "Swing-It-High" game with him.

12. 4. 20 (Day 12 of  second phase of MCO) : Life is not that bored though during lock down since there will be many singers from all around the world constantly doing free online concert, Facebook live. And among of them, I myself personally enjoyed Sam Hui's show. (A veteran singer from Hong Kong). His show had gained millions of viewers in just an hour show.

That's all for now, thank you for taking time to read my not-so-interesting blog. See you guys in my next lock down post (The government just announced that the Movement Control Order has been extended to another 2 weeks.) Don't forget to leave me your thought in the comment section. Take care, stay home and let's fight this outbreak together. I will update you all again how my third phase of  Movement Control Order daily life will be like. PEACE!!! ^ ^


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