[WEEKLY BLOG] First phase of Movement Control Order (MCO). DONE!!!

Aloha !!! First the all a BIG  ROUND APPLAUSE to all nations around the world  for your patience in time of fighting for this Covid 19 outbreak especially to all Malaysians who had experienced the first phase of MCO which is a 14 days of  self-isolation period in the past started on the 18, March 2020 and STILL going on practicing the "Social Distancing" as the Malaysia's government announced the second phase of the Movement Control Order to be extended another 2 weeks which is until 14, April 2020 in order to control and flatten the curve from spreading the virus rapidly.

"Pardon me?" Did I just heard everyone is screaming of boredomness ? You are not alone. (Me either!) That's why you are currently reading my blog now. I have decided to start blogging again after being in hiatus mode for 7 years.

I have seen many of my friends in social medias such as Facebook sharing lotsa of interesting photos on activities they have done whether on their own, with their kids or with their family daily. And one of the famous one is non other than cooking and baking. Everyday you get to see tones of salivating food pictures overflowed on the social medias. Out of sudden, everyone became like Jamie Oliver or even Anna Olson.

Anyway, this is a quick recap from me, some of the things I had done on particular days for the past week before I had made up my mind to start blogging again. (Personally, I'm not the kind of person who loves to cook, although I do cook sometimes.)

22. 3. 20 (Day 5 of  MCO) : I chopped off my HEAD (Oops!! My hair :P on my own) after keeping them for about 2 years?? Or izzit 2.5 years??  Nah!! Who cares?? All I know is all the barbers and saloons are closed for business during this MCO and the only solution is "Self Harming". There you go R.I.P to my long hair.

26. 3. 20 (Day 9 of  MCO) : Finally I have some "me-time" (Just me and my first musical instrument "Ukulele"). Didn't really have that much of time to practice it ever since I bought it few years back. Now it's the perfect time to pick it up and start practice again during this MCO period.

27. 3. 20 (Day 10 of  MCO) : Life is getting so bored, when you 24 hours stuck indoor everyday without exposing to sunlight. *Dracula-in-the-making* mode on. So, I decided to sneak out take a fresh air and went to office to get some tasks done. *MOST IMPORTANT* To "rescue" my plants and fishes which I had abandoned since a week ago. Luckily, "THEY STILL ALIVE"!!! Phew......!!!

Later in the night, I found out that my home grown beans sprouts finally sprouted. What a perfect timing during this MCO period, when we are having hard time to go out stock food because of this restriction movement. 

30. 3. 20 (Day 13 of  MCO) : Learning how to make Hakka rice wine from mom. Being a Malaysian born Chinese Hakka girl, how can I not knowing how to make Hakka rice wine??? But to be honest, I'm more like messing around more than helping out. Lol...... But one thing for sure, the final product smells so good!! Hehehe....

That's all for now, thank you for taking time to read my not-so-interesting blog. See you guys in my next post. Don't forget to leave me your thought in the comment section. Take care, stay home and let's fight this outbreak together. PEACE!!! ^ ^


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